Oh, the guy who plays EA titles and claims to not support the company that way.
What dó they have? We know about the featureset difference, but other than that?
Ergo, they offer more, nice of you to actually say what I said and reffered to. Probably should skip all the rest of what you wrote afterwards as it is already irrelevant after your first 2 sentences, since afterall you just said that Steam offers more tahn EGS... But what the hell.
The games on offer are not at all representative of the entire marketplace like it used to be at some point a few years ago. They're missing a large part of the market. Blizzard/Activision, Ubisoft and EA most notably are best not accessed through Steam. Its double DRM and it has historically been plagued by problems. Its 'OK' these days, but preferable for sure it is not. Not in the least because these publishers also don't use the additional features like Workshop etc.
Another thing Steam dóes have is a large percentage of the products on offer being complete and utter junk. Not even budget bin material, but rather some middle school project of some random dude practicing with level editors. Then, one level higher than that you have the countless indie devs ripping off assets left and right to assemble something capable of tricking gullible young people into a purchase. They call that early access, and Greenlight. How did that work out again?

Even today you need serious experience and a very good bullshit sensor to avoid the early access titles that are not going to go anywhere anytime soon. Steam/Valve doesn't curate much, even when it was too late their response was questionable at best, there are many examples of it.
So you disagree with the fact that Steam has the widest offering of games on the market? You realize you are trying to disagree with facts, right?
So Steam provides a platform for potential new developers to show up on the market while EGS offers... what exactly in that regard? Seems like its another case of "Steam has that feature and EGS doesnt, steam bad".
Just because alot of people create garbage, does not mean there are no gems to be found. You can say the same about mobile market aswell. Ton of garbage apps out there and yet there are plenty of good ones aswell and plenty of developers got to earn money/jump start their carreers thanks to it. Steam workshop is another one of such features... Unknown artists from earning nothing went to work for valve and have 200 000$+ per year thanks to it.
Also you are reffering to other companies with their own launchers for THEIR OWN GAMES. Do you even read a post before replying, or do you instantly decide to disagree and then just bable whatever comes to your mind?
I specifically wrote that if epic wanted to keep their games on their platform that is fine, problem is, they dont do that, they bribe independent developers to get their games on their garbo soft and hurt the market in the process. Who loses out cause of it? oh right, us...
Exactly that is what's tricky about it. EGS has support just like Steam does, they are required by law. The refund policy is the same, even. And you're right - just because your personal experience with EGS was mostly negative, that does not mean it is bad in general. There is indeed nothing to discuss, so just don't. You have no knowledge on the quality of support on either platform apart from your N=1 experience.
Where did i wrote anything about MY experience with EGS support? I was replying to logic of "my personal experience with steam support was bad so its shit in general" by saying what my experience was with steam support and hence showing how irrelevant those type of statements are since they are personal experiences. Also support is quite general, does not necesarilly means Atmanand on a phone line 24/7.
Ah yes, and war was created by the gun manufacturers. Sound logic!
This analogy is supposed to be logical?
Firstly, wars predate guns, just in case you don't realize that (considering that "sound logic" of yours and extreme inability to interpret things you are actually reading, that very well might be the case). Secondly, weaponry (that also predates guns) was first created to hunt and protect yourself. In fact the first actual weapon created by humans was a spear. I don't need to say what type of weapon it is right? Or I better do, defensive, defensive weapon. A sharpened stick to keep dangerous things at bay or be able to kill dangerous animals for food without getting hurt...
Can you please tell me, how does that apply in any way, shape or form to shady company forcing you to use garbage software through exclusive titles while telling you its for your own good and that you should thank them. I really would like to know cause I personally see literally no conection between the two, but since you are the logical one here, enlighten me please.
Look at what GoG did. They had a goal of removing DRM from as many games as they can and bring as many old games to modern operating systems as they can. Sound goal. Do you see them trying to shove anything into anyone's mouth? No, they do good work and their project grows and grows.
Do you know who owns GoG? CdProjekt. They also own CDProjektRED. Was Witcher 3 some ultra exclusive title only to their own store? No, they could have made it so, hell, their profits from W3 would be even higher that way, but they did not. They left the choice to customers.
See the difference between good company practices where they actually want to impact the market in some sensible way and shit company who instantly shows they only want $$$ and try to disguise it as doing something for our own good?
Tell me now, what is not 'exclusive' about demanding content releases on Steam and Steam alone? Preferring that one store to the extent of excluding another is the exact same exclusivity. It is one you impose upon yourself as an individual. Store exclusivity is not an end-user exclusivity at all, unless you want it to be. Access to either storefront is free of charge.
Steam alone? I am sorry, where did I write anything like that? Please quote me, cause from what i recall i wrote in my first post in this news that if epic wants to compete with steam, they should offer good piece of software that would sway people to use it by choice instead of forcing them to use bad software cause of exlusives. Unless of course you are trying to make extreme argument, insinuating that i support it, ergo, put words into my mouth and claim they are mine. I've never said I want monopoly of any store on the market(In fact I've never seen anyone ever saying they want ie. Steam to be the only platform providing games), in fact I think I even wrote I am all for competition, cause from company competition only 1 group benefits, customers. However I DO NOT SUPPORT IN ANY WAY what Epic is doing with exclusivity bribes. I even compered it to console exclusivity to present who actually loses out on exclusivity. I suggest you read and most importantly, understand, my posts before replying.
By the way, did you notice that EGS also managed to get several console exclusives (real exclusives) to the PC platform? If you're all about gaming, that is something to applaud. That is a tangible, real reduction of exclusivity for a customer, however small.
No I did not, if they did, kudos to them, but if they continue on pushing exlusivity with their store, then all of it is for naught. So its already several - 3, so I hope several in this case is more like 10+ rather than 4.
Did they also made those console exlusives not be exclusive on other consoles? Somehow i doubt that, but I would love to be proven wrong as I sincerely would like to have every game be available on every platform.
If you take a step back and judge this at face value, can you seriously not see the irony of your statements? The very same applies on the other side of the fence, there is absolutely no difference whatsoever. Its just preference, and its easy to prefer Steam because of its quality of life features. Thát is what's going on here. Everything else is just trying to argue and hide that truth. People have to get out of their comfort zone to get a product they actually wanted to buy and that gets people all worked up. And guess what, if you like to wait a half year or a year and get your game on Steam, power to you. Thát is how the marketplace really works.
What irony? That I disagree with exclusivity as (again) customers lose out on it and only companies benefit from it? Where is irony in that? Unless ofc in your mind I want to have every game on Steam and Steam alone... If that was the case then yeah, I would see the irony... but then again, I never said I wanted singular store monopoly, so there is that...
Forgetting all the shady stuff around epic that kept popping up over the years. If Epic can create equally good piece of software to compete with any other store on the market, or well, Steam, since Steam is the market leader(even you agree about way richer featureset here) and then they show it to public and are like"Hey guys, look, we created this amazing thing, we would love for you to check it out" instead of "Hey guys, we created this garbage, it is crap compared to our competition, but we got exclusive deals, so if you want [insert game name] on release, you have to use this shit store, cool right? O also, it is for your own good, cause Steam is bad and is hurting the market" (market, that btw, Steam in big part built to begin with) then I would not say a word.
So again I am asking, do you decide to disagree before reading anything and then just follow through on your decision, or do you have problems understanding what you are reading?
Read the first post I've made in this news post, maybe it will enlighten you what I dislike about Epic. If you disagree with spyware part, that is fine, but I, for one, do not belive in coincidences and if one company hits the news multiple times for its "spying" I am never gonna trust that company.
Also, my store of choice is GoG, not Steam.
I do not care which store is the most popular and which one is not. I am gonna chose the best option for me. If i want to buy a game I want to buy it from a store I PICKED, not a store a company I distrust chose for me and told me it is for my own good.
If nVidia wanted to release a new gpu but would say "for the first 6 months you can only buy it at XYZ store and nowhere else", would you say that is alright? Or would you rather pick the store you want to buy the product from? I prefer the latter and so does every single person who is against exclusivity bribes of Epic. Can't say it any clearer for you to understand at this point...