It's just a reskinned Chrome to let Microsoft steal your data.
LOL No its not on both parts. It does use the Chromium open source engine but it is hardly a reskinned Chrome. And if the naysayers would just take a few minutes to read up on it, they would see it does MUCH more than Chrome to protect our data and privacy. See
this and note where it talks about blocking 100s of Google tracking code by default - and that's on the medium or "balanced" setting. Move it to "Strict" and it really gets aggressive.
Edge may be viable once it matures, but right now it is still essentially in beta.

No its not. It
was in beta for several months before now and was available for everyone to try. I did, but stuck with Pale Moon as my preferred browser. That's the whole point of Microsoft abandoning the "old" Edge for this "new" Edge. It uses the "mature" Chromium engine that complies with industry (not MS) standards. So no, it is not essentially in Beta. I have been using the new Edge for several days now (10 minutes is not a fair evaluation) and so far, like it. Every site I have visited has displayed properly. I can't say the same for FF or PM. And every pages loads quickly too.
The biggest problem with the new Edge is the brand name behind it. Too many, sadly, refuse to accept that Microsoft really does want its users to have a safe, stable, and enjoyable computing experience and fully believe, despite all the scrutiny Microsoft constantly receives, that Microsoft is out to get them and their data.
If you want your data out there, use Chrome.
I miss IE6 too. It never was the security risk all the MS bashers and FF fanboys claimed it was.