Big doubts on this 'remake', because they're just improving the graphics that were already pretty neat (you can play the original and it still looks mighty fine today tbh), and if they think they can 'improve' or 'rebuild' the experience and being better than the original, they're simply deluded. What are they gonna do, make a hallway bend left instead of right? Change the puzzles?
What is this studio anyway. Lol. I think what we're getting is DS1 with new graphics options plus a few extra audio logs for the 'cut content'. Maybe a half level or two here and there expanding on some of its mysteries, but not adding anything with substance. I mean even the gaps in the story and explanation of DS1 are there for a reason. They create a void of not knowing stuff and it creates even more mystery around Isaac and the markers. That game is just complete. You're not 'remaking' a Rembrandt either, anything you change will diminish its value instantly.
DS1 is honestly much scarier than any Alien ever managed, game or film. By miles. But yeah

Same framework... masterful execution