So, for some reason all this update has done for me has reduced my fps.
My hardware hasn't changed and still have a RTX 4090, 64gb ddr5 6600mhz cl30, 14 gen Intel all P 5.8 etc
Previously, I would have it all maxed with 4k path tracing etc. Disable blur and depth of field..have dlss on quality with frame gen and the benchmark would always be a smidge over 120.
Now. Same settings and avg is 75 with max of 84 and low of 69. Thats just with dlss auto not quality.
Updated NVIDIA drivers.. maybe I need to put the new dlss FG, dlss ray recon and dlss (there are 3 files from memory). Plonk them in manually and replace.
I only had 3.5.1 for two of the DLL files and DLSS 3.7.10 DLL being the only one with the latest.
Now running the benchmark at 4k maxed out including path tracing and DLSS in quality. With Ray Reconstruction and Frame Generation gave me 141 frames per second average. Before was just under 80.
On a side note, my thick 4 slot Asus RTX 4090 OC ed. Wanted to give me more frames and I could sense it become fearful of the 5000 series.
Even thhough, itshe requires no increase or change to voltage or the power limit. It has yet to go under 2910mhz core. Only when I have not increased the core at all. Total default still hits 2880mhz and not the reported 2565mhz boost.
During the Cyberpunk benchmarks and when playing it. Went as low as 3000mhz but mostly stuck at 3015-3030mhz. With my custom fan curve always at 30% and slowly ramps up. Usually only 70% if It was to go over 75c but accidentally had it at 76% from 60c onwards.
It's a lovely quiet card, in which we are developing a silicon and carbon bases lifeform kindship. Even better than the good old Gainward Golden Sample cards of the past.
I'm Looking forward to contesting the 5090s but no doubt my jealous card will remind me about leather jacket mens nonsensical graphs and the use of low grade comparison cards. Yet, I'm not sure why most 4090s are only advertised with having a boost clock 20% less than actual. Maybe it's some wacko tax thing..
Not unlike my old RTX 2080 Ti that was nerfed with a power limit of 280 watts. After flashing it with the 373w bios it became a 3080 10gb eater.
- end tangent. Actually no.. my phone screen has me lost in my tl;dr
Get your 3x DLSS files here:
Anyway. If anyone else loses noticeable performance, simply reinstall a clean graphic card driver package and replace the existing 3 DLSS FG, DLSS Ray Reconstruction and general DLSS 3.7.10 DLL files.
Turn off motion blur and depth of field if you prefer more fps for a couple graphical features that don't hurt the immersion factor of highest detail your PC can handle

DLSS Ray Reconstruction and;
DLSS Frame Generation
*Update* fixed. Indeed overwriting the 3.5.1 DLSS files with the new 3.7.10 fixed it. Doubled the frames per second, improved the look and overall performance is totally smooth.
Weird why Steam doesn't automatically update these files for games that use them.
Heck should be in system32 and as part of windows updates. They aren't game specific but each game uses what ever they have in its directory.