Most of the people don't consider AMD at all, I've been having both brands and never had issues in both of them, aside from an entry level Asus laptop that had a nvidia GPU, jeez the ammount of BSODs that I had because of that shitty switchable graphics not working as it should.
I will definitily upgrade for this new series, Intel is out of the question, too much overhead on their drivers.
So only AMD and Nvidia remains as an option for me, it will either be a 9060 or a 5060 with 16GB if possible, and I will probably be better off with AMD.
Let me explain:
Under DX12, AMD have actually less API overhead, this is a subject that people rarely point out but it's very important topic for anyone upgrading GPU while using an older system.
I do have a Ryzen 5 3600X and obviously I will be bottlenecked in CPU Bound games and will get worse each year with newer games, I have no interest in also upgrading the CPU, so it's important to have the most API efficent GPU and that's AMD.
As for RT, it also punish a lot the CPU so if it's optional I will probably disable it, unless it's mandatory ofc, I don't care about PT since no new mid-range GPU will be able to run it properly.
It's a little bit like the first RT titles that Nvidia pushed, or the first Tesslated games, it's something optional to favour Nvidia over AMD, even if most nvidia cards aren't really able to run it as it should, I still remember the Crysis 2 scandal or the Fallout 4 Volumetrics filtering being actually tesslation patterns, which nowadays aren't really that demanding but at the time, jeezzzzz
My system still run with PCI-EX3, so probably, the mainstream cards will run with PCI-EX 4 8x, which means I will be limited to PCI-EX 3 8x, this will penalty performance in 1-2% depending on the game, but it can be really harsh if VRAM Usage is nearly full, that's when PCI-EX starts to swap files like a madman between VRAM and system memory and that's exactly when the PCI-EX 3 is a bigger issue, so having more VRAM to spare makes a difference for me.
The downsides of AMD for me:
1. FSR is not in the same place of DLSS, well FSR 4 seems to be great, probably only titles starting today will have FSR 4 meaning a lot of older games won't be updated and will only have the less optimal FSR3, let alone the DLSS with transformation module which seems to be even greater (not sure if with a performance cost, that remains to be seen)
2. Possible worse encoding will be an issue for me, I do livestream, I do use OBS, I've heard AMD did improve a lot the encoding, but will see about that. (BTW recording and streaming consumes more VRAM)