Hopefully this will mean the launch of these parts is less of a fustercluck than the current 5000-series has been.
I applaud your optimism
You completely missed my point but okay.
What I meant is that such ppl and communites are plenty fine playing whatever new games on such hardware cause they can and will tweak their settings and actually appreciate upscaling as a tech unlike around here.

I've had zero issues with my 3060 Ti in the past 2 and half years and no Vram was never an issue more like the raster performance in newer games like I've mentioned before.
'Finished Hellblade 2 on this card'
Thats why I was looking at 4070 Supers as a possible upgrade cause I'm all good with 12GB with that kind of a raster and RT uplift vs my 3060 Ti but sadly those cards are gone or are insanely expensive now.
See but that's not the point here and somehow this seems hard to grasp, but I'll explain it again. We've all been gaming for years. A child can figure out that its easy to tweak games
so that they fit in your framebuffer. Heck, games do it THEMSELVES these days. You don't even need to touch your settings. They'll dynamically adjust stuff if you want them to - or even if you don't want them to. If you never truly noticed what you're missing in games, you won't be missing it right? Ignorance is bliss... Ignorance is fine if you don't care at all, just plonk down hardware and want to play whatever the cost. But are you that person?
The point here is that the midrange is at a practical standstill sinds Ampere - your 3060ti - in terms of overall performance. Hell its even worse: sometimes cards even perform worse in a newer gen. You might be lucky there with your relatively high bandwidth ampere card even. Shit's gotten worse - as long as games work well with the larger cache sizes then they can get by. But even that gets flooded and then you are looking at a raw bandwidth over that 8GB that is similar to what you got in 2016 on that same range of cards. Cards that have gotten more expensive, too.
Its just a horrible, horrible deal and somehow people feel adamant to keep parroting the '8GB is enough' bullshit when in reality, developers have been jumping through hoops to make their games fit into it ever since the PS5 and especially the Xbox S got released. With varying success... and ALWAYS with a hidden quality reduction, that is sold as 'optimization'. Gamers happy... but then you might want to think long and hard what they're really happy about: stagnation because their own hard earned GPUs are actually way past expiry date, but still bought at full prices.
x60 therefore is penny wise pound stupid. The world has already moved way past this segment. Buy a console! You're wasting cash upgrading your 3060ti to a new x60. All you will get is more DLSS for your money and literally less GPU. The dies are tiny, the VRAM chips lacking, the price beyond sanity, and the resale value is gone.
And about DLSS at quality mode ergo rendering below the native res... to each their own, but I do recognize that blurfest from miles away (yes even DLSS and even transformer model) and the motion resolution is terrible. The vaseline effect is there. If you play in that mode all the time then sure, you can unsee it. But its a race to the bottom. Stop deluding yourself. We never liked FXAA either, and its remarkably similar. It was a necessary evil at best.
Let's call it what it is... You are rendering 720p like its 2010 and you're trying to get the newest game to run on your new card. Don't sugar coat that, you've almost reached the absolute bottom of what gaming really is in 2025 - and that is absolutely NOT where x60 was positioned historically. x60 was always the first card in the stack that could game
properly and certainly out of the box wasn't struggling with recent games on day one, and most DEFINITELY wasn't rendering below your native res either to get playable frames.
And if all this is lost on you... its really your loss, your money, and your choice. But the defense of it, is getting pretty silly. Nvidia is
actively killing this segment, if you haven't noticed. You're defending a smoking crater that has been.