pity its all 2D windowed stuff, would be nice if the comparison wasnt so biased and included fullscreen movies and games.
it's all been said a million times in other threads, but my problems with 16:10 are as follows:
1. black bars on movies. i can live with them, but i'd rather not. this is personal choice and not a flaw of either screen size.
2. lots of games fuck up the 16:10 aspect ratio in subtle ways. company of heroes for example, the 2D hud stretches so the circular mini map is now an egg shape. GTA IV and many console ports actually 'zoom in' your view showing LESS of the game world, instead of giving you more vertical like it should.
3. 1080p is a standard everything supports. 1200p isnt. i've got mobile phones, games consoles, set top media players, the whole kit and caboodle - and its damn convenient when i can use those on a PC monitor as well as a TV, without having to worry about black borders (rare on anything but the best screens, they always stretch) or as i just said - stretching. i can instantly notice a fucked up aspect ratio when it stretches especially on text, so imo its a serious flaw compatibility wise.
Note, my arguments are based solely on 1920x1200 vs 1920x1080. I think overall resolution is more important than aspect ratio. I, for instance, would take a 2560x1440 monitor over a 1920x1200 monitor any day. But I would also take a 1920x1440 monitor over the 1200p, if such a one existed.
1.) To each their own. But like you said, it does not make 1080p better.
2.) Set to 1080p or tweak the FOV settings. Problem solved.
3.) 1200p monitors support 1080p without stretching. You just get black bars. Yeah, you may not like black bars, but that doesn't change the fact a 1200p monitor can do absolutely everything a 1080p monitor can with absolutely no loss in quality, pixel per pixel accurate. During a game or movie, you aren't going to notice black bars, as it's just like having a larger bezel. Unless you are OCD and sit there and stare at the bars, you shouldn't even notice it, as there are much more important things going on on the screen. lol.
PS: Most movies shot on film have black bars, even on 16:9.
Well, if you havent noticed the letterbox you are just not aware of that you get smaller field of view with your 16:10 245BW. Not something you have to notice but it is a great disadvantage which you would notice if you would have a 16:9 display next to the 16:10.
In 2011 all games are made for 16:9 and works best in that aspect ratio.
Please get the facts next time before speaking.
Even 2.35:1 movies are more suitable for a 16:9 screen than a 16:10. 16:10 means bigger black bars in that example.
See above. For the typical 1920x1200 vs 1920x1080 debate this topic usually centers around, your point is moot. Not only that, but what games are you playing? In most of the games I play I get the same horizontal FOV but different vertical fov between 1080 and 1200p. (unless I just don't remember tweaking them. In which case, the ability to tweak FOV renders your argument useless anyway.)
and thats our point. dozens, maybe hundreds of games suffer from this flaw - and we can avoid it by staying 16:9
avoid heaps of good games (and heaps more bad ones), or just avoid 16:10 monitors. as a gamer, i know which is the obvious choice.
I can set my 16:10 monitor to 16:9 for those flawed games that don't allow you to change FOV.
i said i was done here, but you made be come back >.>
look up vert+ vs hor-
you simply DO NOT get more vertical in most games. look at the images ford posted for proof, and his comments. 16:10 zooms you in giving you less horizontal and the same amount of vertical, instead of same horizontal and more vertical.
If you zoom it back out, you do get the vertical fov back. Sure, it keeps the same vert by default, but you can change that manually so that you have the same horiz but higher vert. That's what Bene is trying to get across to you. (Or, again, just set your 1200p monitor to 1080p)