So far I know Rise of Tomb Raider does not use full dx12 features like Ashes of Singularity. Also it's again nVidia favored games.
I would like to see benchmark for Hitman dx12 and Ashes of Singularity.
The whole point of the tests that TPU does is about comparing results of different cards from a decent time span. As a result you can check if upgrading is sensible or if an older card (but still available) is worth buying compared to newest options. That's why they use the same games for a while.
As for the "Nvidia favored games": most titles that TPU uses are mainstream, popular games. Even if you're right and they are mostly optimized for Nvidia cards, this is not because of biased choice of TPU. It's a result of general market preferences (Nvidia's share of discrete GPUs is 80%).
Ashes of Singularity is a niche game compared to WoW, Fallout or Witcher.
So even if you really want to play Ashes of Singularity (and you're not an AMD fan at all

), I bet you'll buy more games in the future. Guess which brand of GPUs will they be optimized for...
BTW: actually most people today use computers with Intel's GPU and game developers spend a lot of time and money to make games playable (with minimal usable details) on these integrated chips. So actually most games are "Intel favored" - at least at the lowest settings.