Asus has said officially, they will not be shipping the Apex XI to the USA or Canada, they even advise North American enthusiasts to purchase from the UK and run without a warranty, I've seen many email responses.
Just ramble over to the ROG forums and find out. Oh wait, the ROG forums have been abandoned by the administration since May 2019. No Praz, No Silent Scone, No Shimino, No Raja, even the awesome and amazing HiVizMan returned for two months and got sick and fed up with Asus, and left. Looks like only a handful of talented ROG enthusiasts are assisting other enthusiasts, what has happened to the great and mighty ROG?
Sometimes you can find super Elmor in the OCN forums and ask an ROG board specific question, but he also got sick and fed up and left Asus, geez what are we supposed to do?
For those of us who simply cannot sleep at night without a full manufacturer's regional warranty, like me,

Go grab a Z390 DARK, the boards are sometimes out of stock for two weeks - three weeks at a time everywhere - right now EVGA and Amazon have a few.
Here's hoping the Apex 12 Comet Lake is an E-ATX superboard and available to purchase in the US and Canada!
If not, I'll be picking up a Z490 DARK. lol
"Don't laugh too hard at my build, it's an open air test bench with a horizontally mounted motherboard, rolling around on four wheels and five radiators that don't actually work. lololol "