Crap, i listed my old PSU. I do have a Corsair 850 in now after i upgraded to the 6900xt.
My post on other forums have not had any common responses outside the power issue, which i've updated to reflect the current PSU.
So to make sure I understand, you have had SSDs fail with two different power supplies?
IMO, you are either extremely unlucky and got 3 SSDs that, on their own, failed prematurely or you still have a power issue. It should be noted that as an entire category of electronics hardware, SSDs are considered very reliable. So IMO, unless the 3 SSDs, were in the same manufacturing production run and came off the same assembly one after the other, the odds all 3 were bad from the factory are pretty slim.
Did you check the wall outlet to make sure it is wired properly and outputting the correct voltage? Incorrect voltage may seem unlikely but it can happen. And it happened here.
I came home one evening to hear all my UPSs beeping, but power was still on.

A quick check on the LCD status display panel of my UPS on this computer showed the incoming line voltage was 146VAC!!!!

It should have been ~120VAC. Another quick check with my multimeter confirmed, 145.8VAC and the 220VAC outlet in the garage was showing 291.6VAC. Not good - especially for things like air conditioning and refrigerator compressors.
I called the power company, told them I was a technician and what I had found, then told them if they didn't want to pay to replace all the air conditioners and refrigerators in this neighborhood, they needed to send someone out right away. And [happily], they did - like in 15 minutes! The electrician checked the power entering my meter and confirmed what I had reported. This also established the problem was not on my end, but with theirs - thus affecting at least every home supplied by that common transformer. That was at least 8 homes.
Had I not had all those UPS alarms yelling at me, I probably would have fired up the computer and with the voltage being that hot, it might have put too much strain on the PSU regulator circuits and allowed excessive voltages to be distributed to the various components. This could have resulted in several unexplained, and expensive hardware failures with my computers, and with other devices in the house.