Sorry to hear that mate!
And to think you pre-ordered that card ages before it was even available in the US!
You should definitely contact whoever sold it to you for a refund and get that card somewhere else :shadedshu
Well, as I posted in another thread, I was able to run only one benchmark with my new card before my old PC died. On 3dMark05 I was able to get around 7800 marks, on a HT P4@3Ghz, 2GBs DDR400 RAM and my 3850 running stock, which was, to say the least, not impressive at all.
So far, I dunno if the lower score was because of 3dMark not recognizing my card (it was just listed as a "Generic VGA card" as I had to use the -nosystemscan command or else, 3dmark would never load), or due to the driver not detecting 3dMark well and therefor not using 3d clocks for it, or my poor old proc was simply too much of a bottleneck for this board.
Crysis and Oblivion did run smoothly at 1280x1024 with everything set to high though, at least for the few hours before my rig died.
With my new build running at stock clocks for the proc and 720/950 for the card (the most I can get from the drivers), I have got: around 33,000 marks on 3dMark03, 17,000 on 05 both at 1024x768, and on 3dMark06 at 1280x1024 I get around 11,000 marks. Now my card properly recognized by 3dMark, after the hotfix released by Futuremark a couple of days ago.
Crysis now runs without a hitch, even after tweaking all .cfg to use ultra high settings, at 1280x1024 (the max res. for my 19" LCD).
So basically I can say this, this card has lots of potential, and I think it might even perform as fast as the PCIe ver. considering the maturity of the drivers,
but (there's always a but
) only if you have the right proc for it, don't think it'll be much of an improvement over a 1950Pro on older systems.
EDIT: And for the before: With a BFG GF6800GS@Ultra and my old rig I got: 13,000 for 3dMark03, 5,700 for 05, and 2,700 for 06, Oblivion ran in the lower 20s at 1280x1024 after a lot of tweaking, and Crysis ran kinda slow at 1024x768 and low settings