There is absolutely no evidence of that. Windows 7 was based off of Server 2008. just as XP x64 was based off of Server 2003. Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 were co-developed just as Server 2003 R2 and XP x64 were co-developed. The only difference is that Windows XP x64 launched over a half a year before Server 2003 R2 (probably because Active Directory need serious overhauling for x64 Edition) where as Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 launched on the same date.
There is no evidence of THAT...see I can do that to...
Of course the evidence to back me up is that some applications won't install on XP x64 because they ID it as a server OS...not a problem with Win7 though...
Let's look at the facts: The first AMD64 processor to be released came out in September 2003. XP x64 didn't launch until April 2005. Microsoft had at least (AMD most likely sent Microsoft engineering samples in order to fast-track the development of the OS because AMD64 is useless without Microsoft's support) one and a half years to implement XP x64. It was not rushed. I got it just two months after release and that OS worked perfectly right out of the starting gate. It is four months since Windows 7 came out and I already have more problems than I can shake a stick at (IE8 is practically broke, WMP12 is practically broke, click n' dragging files has a clear hang-up, and networking has obvious glitches). Server 2008 came out in Februrary 2008 and Windows 7 came out in October 2009, that's a year and a half too. XP x64 had at least equal dev time as Windows 7. Which was really rushed? I'd say Windows 7 because of all the issues.
Microsoft was totally caught off guard by the demand for x64, they did not believe there would be a demand for Desktop x64 OSes. When AMD released the first desktop x64 processor, Microsoft had to scramble to fill the unexpected demand that arose.
The implementation was clearly rushed, the poor support and buggy OS makes that painfully obvious.
And again, when Server 2008 came out has nothing to do with Win7.
And every problem you have listed for Win7 doesn't exist, sorry, but they don't. IE8 works pefectly fine, WMP12 works perfectly fine(execpt for occassionaly forgetting where I resize the window after closing), and file transfers work better than ever!
Have you ever used XP x64 Edition at length?
Yes, I have, used it for almost a year after it came out, nothing but headaches. It was, and I assume still is, a buggy piece of shit with very little driver support. And while I don't use it today, I still have clients that do. And I can list at least one specific program that will not install on XP x64, but will on Win7 and Vista, M-AUDIO Pro Tools. While the way you do it works most of the time, not everyone does it that way, some do go down to the build number, and Pro Tools is one of them. In fact, they just recently released Vista SP2 drivers, before that, I had to install it with SP1 first, then upgrade the machine to SP2. Win7 support didn't exist until that release either, but at least with issues like that I know it is far more likely to release Win7 supportive versions than XP x64...because if they haven't released XP x64 support yet, they probably never will.
I'm starting to wonder if you've ever used Win7 though...
And I'm also wondering why anyone in their right mind would actually thing XP x64 is better after using both at length. It seems like you are more on a Win7 bashing tirade now than anything else...
Service packs change the build number, not the major and minor numbers. When I code an app for a specific platform, I only check major and minor. If I need to make sure that a service pack is installed, I check the build number for equal or greater than.
Well good for you, but how does that matter? So you do it slightly better than other, so we should assume everyone does it this way? Man I wish I lived in that perfect world you do.
Oh, and again, that does help the matter of a new OS coming out and totally screwing things up.
That doesn't even exist. I finally remembered how to check it via WMI (Win32_OperatingSystem):
1 Work Station
2 Domain Controller
3 Server
Any application that checked just version number would flag XP x64 as potentially Server 2003 just as any application that checked just for Server 2008 would flag Windows 7. They have to check the Product type to distinguish between Windows 7 (Work Station) and Server 2008 (Domain Controller or Server). OperatingSystemSKU will give you even more information about version 6 and up (Vista, 7, and Server 2008).
I love how you say it doesn't exist, then go on to explain it...
This is how 90% of applications that are supposed to run on workstations, but not on servers(i.e. free anti-viruses) detect the OS, it is a fundumental of programming...
I'm done with this argument, you don't know what you are talking about, obviously and the thread is useless...:shadedshu