Well guys, I think it's time we had a give away or two so, here's a post starting this off.. If there's anyone over in the US (which sadly counts me out but I'm still going to try and help and put something together for this to happen) who'd like to host a few parts, maybe get a rig put together, then I'm all for it.
I know we have a massively amazing community when it comes to kindness and everything else, my first give away was done last year to
@blobster21 who I hope is still enjoying the systems as we speak

I also have to get another sorted out (massive apologies
@Solaris17 but I haven't forgotten you!!) to get sent off, so we might have a dual or triple give away depending on how lucky I can get with a few bits of kit I've got my eyes on for.. My best mate in the US is on the look out for me for a few things, so I'm hoping to make the most of it...
So... could anyone put their name forward for possibly helping with the build/collection of hardware or anything at this point? We'd seriously like to do something not just for the team but for the community that built the team here at TPU
Apologies for being a bit of a crap captain for this side of things, lets see if we can do something right and help out a few people whilst doing it