Cooling solutions for 55nm GTX 260 / 275 / 285
Please don't quote below guide without credit or link to this thread, thanks.
Accelero Xtreme GTX 280 only works for 65nm GTX 260 / 280 straight out of the box. Other versions of the GT200 family need a bit of extra work / sinks.
GTX 280 runs its VRM pretty hot, as covered in this review on first page. If you don't want to hack the stock cooler, you can use Enzotech MOS-C1 Forged Copper Mosfet Heatsinks:
They are however
too high. You need to cut couple mm of, to fit under Accelero. They work for 65nm GTX 280 and also for
65nm GTX 260, although 260 with its lover core voltage works ok with the supplied VRM sink too.
VRM-wise, I was idling at about 42C, a couple degrees warmer stock, loading about 65-67C which is +/-1C from stock. So thus far I'm good to go, I'm running 666/1458 1188 on 1.06v on a 65nm 216core GTX260 and the temps are top notch
Installed on a GTX 280 by
Scythe USA SCVCH-1000 VGA Chip Heatsinks:
Those go along way with
any of the
55nm cards, as they run out of memory cooling with the supplied sinks.
TuxBrothers GTX 285 with the Scythe sinks
GTX 285 / 265 55nm, you could also go with Thermalright GTX 285/260 VRM-Heat sink:
They are meant for Thermalright HR-03 GTX cooler as additional sinks, but work with Accelero as well. Page has a installation PDF that explains the usage.
Installation instructions here on
GTX 265 55nm:
General VRM cooling:
Microcool Silver MicroSink are quite small and fit under the Accelero without modifications.
"these can also be grouped in sets of 4 or 9 units for larger integrated components where a low-profile design is necessary to eliminate any clearance issues.
For example GTX 285 that has those single mosfets in the VRM area and above/below NVIO sink in GTX 275 / 285.
GTX 275 is the problem child of the family with this cooler:
The purple circled component is much higher than in other cards and you can't use the supplied NVIO sink with them. Also non reference GTX 285 might have similar layout. If you card is any other color than black, you may have this layout.
If you can't use the supplied NVIO sink, then you have to get creative.
This Enzotech CNB-S1L Low Profile Forged Copper Northbridge Heatsink could be one option. Although you'd need to drill closer holes with 50mm distance, for it to fit.
Example of Enzotech Copper Heatsink on NVIO chip by
Drewsillac on
GTX 275
Cheaper option would be to use any low profile southbridge cooler, like done here by
thebeephaha on
GTX 285
Or take any about fitting NB/GPU sink and spend some time modding it, like I did here
Other possible problems
Missing spacer tape:
You can use glue stick for example to connect the spacers to the feet while assembling the cooler.
Heatsink makes contact with SVideo port:
There are couple fins that touch the svideo-out port a bit. No need to cut a slight bend will do fine on them (or dremel some off for cleaner look). The first 3 on left of the image. On below 3 slot picture you can see my bend on the fins.
Takes three (3) slots:
If you want to SLI, or have another card on other PCI-E slot , the motherboard needs to have 2 slots space between them. 8500GT in the second PCI-E slot to show people how much room there is.
Accelero Xtreme doesn't make contact with the core:
If your card has a GPU brace, you need to remove it first (those cards that don't have a backplate might have it).
Capacitors make contact with the sink on some GTX 275/285:
Reference design GTX 275 has four capacitors at the end of the PCB that are too high to fit under the Accelero sink. Also newer GTX 285 cards that use GTX 275 PCB have the same thing. Some dremeling/cutting of the fins or bending them on right places is needed. Problem area show in this
tjmagneto picture
Supplied memory sinks don't stick
You need to use an eraser on the memory chips, until they don't feel slippy anymore. Memory chips have a slight roughness to them after they are clean. I used a white soft eraser, it gets oily after couple swipes so have some paper ready (to erase) to get a clean surface on the eraser again. Once you get one clean, you'll know what to do with the rest. After that I cleaned the chips with alcohol dipped cotton swabs.
Thanks go to all who provided pictures, without then this post would look dull