No offense to jbunch, but i would like to see a more updated 3d06 bench thread...
I would be interested in staring a completely new thread, don't want to have to go thru all the old scores, plus i have some idea's of my own as to catagories,
I would require.
a format or posting kinda like,
Q9650 @4.2GHz , 4GB Gskill RAM @1123MHz ,Single GPU - MSI GTX260 @ 730/1250 .
Processor Type and speed - memory clocks - gpu type, how many and settings - and air/water/phase/dice/ln2
(i am thinking out loud so any comments are appriciated...)
also required...
Valid CPUz
Valid ORB
Plus a screenshot with CPUz, GPUz and 3d06 results all in same SS.
I would also set it up a little different,
AMD Top Scores (No limits)
NV Top Scores (No Limits)
Then NV and ATI would have 5 maybe 6 categories that would be separate like it is now, with a ATI part and a NV part separate,.
the categories i am thing are.... (again any comments appriciated)
#1 (no Limits)
#2 (Single Card - Single GPU)
#2a (Single card - Dual GPU)
#3 (Dual Card - Single Gpu's each card SLI or CrossFireX)
#4 (Dual Card - Dual Gpu's each card QUADSLI or QuadFireX)
#5 (Tripple card - Single Gpu's each card TriSLI or TriFireX
and maybe
#6 (Tipple card - Dual Gpu's and Single GPu card)
So i am willing to keep it updated, just would like peoples opinions if it's needed and if what i am thinking makes scene or is just wak...