Not my Intention to blow stuff out of proportion for the sake of drama. Just telling, that my experience, be it in Retail or B2B, showed that it does have an impact on how you are perceived and judged as a brand/company by customers and partners.
I see it with humor. As I said, mistakes can always happen. If someone wants to avoid a fire because of that, you can't help him anymore. I see mistakes every day at all manufacturers, even far away from the IT sector. That is no drama for me. I found the discussion about it here also very pleasant and normal. From my side everything is good. I would not have had to write anything about it.
When I was in the team office and your discussion was on all the screens there, I had to laugh. Because the colleagues already looked very sad and it was very embarrassing for them. They were already waiting for trouble to come their way. So I went back out with a grin on my face and without any comment. They have already punished themselves.
I find general false statements and exaggerations much worse, which are unfortunately the rule nowadays. Superlatives are always and everywhere used. No matter for what. We offer the best, the biggest, the fastest, the highest quality, we are the market leader......! Sure, you have to use them, but it has really gotten out of hand.