Cant wait to get my hands on these to give them a try for myself. Would make for an inexpensive "general" build for average everyday computing and gaming.
The only thing I don't like about this specific review is they consider no Cuda or PhysX support a negative. Really?
Cuda is not a "support", it's a brand name. Nvidia calls its processing cores and GPU computing Cuda, AMD calls them Stream Processors and Direct Compute. One is not better than the other, they can both do the exact same things, this is all about the software and driver support. Not the technology itself. Cuda simply gets more attention and overly hyped. Not that its a bad thing by any means, just hate it when it's represented as a negative if something does not have it. It's far from necessary in any respect.
The other point is PhysX. Of course there is no PhysX support on an AMD chipset, it's an Nvidia proprietary engine. PhysX is not the only physics engine on the planet, hardly any mainstream games use it anymore, most use their own engine or a Havoc based one. The PhysX engine can run on any GPU, the ONLY reason it will not run on an AMD/ATI GPU is purely political. Nvidia will not allow it unless they are paid for it. Hence why most game developers do not use PhysX. AMD was beating Nvidia in video card sales the last time I looked, developers are not in a hurry to alienate a vast portion of their customer base. heh
Beyond that, great review. Like I said, I want to get my hands on one of these setups and mess around with it myself. lol