It is weird that only TPU gets +10FPS boost on 4K in Borderlands, but Nvidias own official slide on their webpage shows 3080FE card scoring exactly 61 fps in that game... hmmmm
Also Youtuber "joker" tested his 3080FE card and got 57.7fps at 4K, which is in line what Nvidia officialy got. And now TPU gets 70fps

I made couple of modified slides from available benchmarks with RTX3080 and where that Navi 6000 series stacks up againts.
That card what AMD showed yesterday is dead on 1:1 level with RTX3080 FE model!
Everybody saying that RTX3080 will gain performance also with Ryzen 5000 series cpu.. no it wont. Because @4k where you are still very GPU limited.
But if I am in giving mood- I would say that at best case scenario RTX3080 may benefit max 1-2fps with AMD's new best of the best CPU: 5950X.