If they wanna be selling GPUs in the near future, they'll have to invest in RTRT. It's not niche like VR and 3D where AMD can wait around for market forecast and in the meantime give away market and mindshare to Nvidia.
Like I'll bash Nvidia for RTX price hike to my grave but even I will admit Nvidia has started an arms race here. Developers are making games based on ray tracing. Consumers are thinking that RTX = raytracing. Who can blame them. Rtx is shorter and easier sounding. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only calling rtrt these days.
If AMD waits too long sheep consumer will think that ray tracing is only capable on nvidia. Like streaming = Nvidia, VR = nvidia, machine learning/workstation = nvidia, in the old days 3D gaming = Nvidia.
They do? Because today hardware can supply stable 120/144+FPS in 4k? Right... It can't and probably would need 2+ generations to be able to. And this is much closer goal than doing RT...
A common misconceptions regarding RT... It's nothing invented by NVIDIA this or previous year. Technique exists over 50 years. It relays on complex and high level math. There was no breakthrough in theoretical mathematics as of long, and neither NVIDIA or AMD will make revolutionary hardware that shorten calculations 100 times... NVIDIA making *some* hardware support is... marketing gimmick. Can other, non-hardware RT supported GPUs do the calculations, can CPU, can ASICs, can xxx? Yes, yes, yes, yes. Is it real-time full RT? Nope! It takes much rendering time to make even short scenes...
Does powerful and serious industry like Hollywood still uses render-farms? Yup! And it's sure as hell that they won't replace them with 4 NVIDIA GPUs doing the same job in next year... (also, feel free to check, render farms today are not at all consisting of any number of GPUs alone, there are CPUs all around and complex architecture)
So, due to paradigm-shift, NVIDIA will assure constant and stable RT in real-time in next years and AMD must run like crazy to 'bridge the gap'? And it will be available at high resolutions? Nope, no and consider yourself lucky if anyone implements full RT in real time in 720p, in next 2-3 generations...
And yes, you are the only calling "rtrt" these days

Maybe it's just me, but this is the first time in my life that I hear of r-trt term...