I posted a link to this thread in the last discussion for that exact purpose.

good one, because visitors from search engines will read comments? some just read the search result & dont actually click
the title of the old page should change, including the SEO
while i'm rambling, why do people keep saying powerful/multi gpus are a waste on 1080p!? some people (not me yet) are trying to do 120fps... double 60 means double demanding, 4k means double 1080, both of them need the exact same extra power from the gpu, while 120fps is going to run into cpu limits A LOT, especially on amd at the moment... now we also have incoming VR, welcome to the high fps needing a powerful gpu even though it's not 4k club
& another thing, how is 30fps single gpu not 4k capable!? that's FINE considering many benchmarks are still using high or max settings at those numbers, this is coming from someone who wants locked 60fps including minimums... but we're not there yet so who cares, you're also free to get a second card for those games that actually scale, or just be patient like a sane person & go through your backlog of older games... there is nothing wrong with amd putting it on the boxes (besides, you cant do that on dvi, so the boxes have a dual meaning with display outputs + performance)
i read a nice quote a few hours ago:
In all honesty, how many readers get heated up when a 2015 or 2016 model is changed when compared to the original one launched in 2013, for example? If we were talking about cars, nobody gives a d*** if a car manufacturer did not change the complete car 12 months after the launch. For example, my 2013 Cadillac ATS actually fares better than a 2015 Coupe version of the said car, since they reduced the size of rear-view mirrors to a ‘here they are’, rather than a usable mandatory safety feature. What to say about 2014 Tesla Model S, which had an August 10th switchover between “your car can drive automatically or not”, or this year’s “from April 2015, Model S has Tegra 4 and supports 4G LTE,” and before that – you’re SOL. Where are droves of negative comments that a lot of car manufacturers openly lied about its cars to useless organization called NHTSA, which ultimately led to deaths of hundreds of people, rather than running a few framerates more?
seriously, we gotta stop being so worked up about the luxury of games, it's a distraction from actual nasty companies & problems of the world... so many people act entitled, a few days ago i got downvoted on reddit for pointing out someone that suggested you pirate GTA5 cuz boohoo he had trouble launching the game for 2 weeks until they patched it EVEN THOUGH he had a workaround, like wtf, that's no excuse for a vendetta, there are families that live on the hard work that developers put in (yes i'm aware of the nonsense in batman's launch)