I think that my curse helped little to AMD.
I prey to god, from moment when I saw that NVIDIA cut 980Ti I prey god to AMD win for that part.
Now all of us who couldn't afford 1200-1250e for TITAN X should turn back them or what??? What NVIDIA suggest to us now...?

But now and we will be good and welcomed for
cheaper and weaker TITAN X as I told before few days.
They had big confidence to cut CUDA cores instead to go forward as much as possible with full GM200 with increased based clock with AIO if need and to prey god to keep crown they didn't care.
Now AMD will maybe to take crown exactly for that little peace and Maxwell will be first NVIDIA 3DMark loser after Fermi and Kepler.
What now? Feeding customers 10 months with rumors about Pascal while AMD sold their cards. They couldn't finish him before Spring no way.
You will see how much will NVIDIA ask for HBM II, fortune. Last 3-4 years on every perfidious way they try to silently increase prices, every year 100-150$ more for high end chip. Where is end? I think now.
And people whole time thought TITAN X is god miracle, no that was one strong card overpriced to the max.
But nothing special. NVIDIA had GK110 2013, and now they have 50% more performance.
Why NVIDIA decide to give little buy little that's different story, but they made 50% improvements from 2013.
For that period they ask 1000$ 3 times. TITAN, TITAN Black, TITAN X.
You need to be very tricky to force people to pay that.
Real value is 450-500-550MAX. Same as GTX580.
Their fans justify that as no competition... What is Fury than.
Let's take Intel as example... Intel no competition and hold CPU market much stronger than NVIDIA GPU...
Intel didn't ask 1500 or 2000$ for extreme processors. Every series of Intel processors is 10% cheaper or more expensive than before 5 years. They didn't increased price for double. But what NVIDIA do?
I'm glad because I was right and because cutting CUDA cores from GTX980Ti will cost NVIDIA crown for single chip and hundreds of thousands dollars, because we prey for full GM200 chip with increased clock, literally, months before they launch only to cut on 6GB video memory and to drop price as for normal GeForce series and they didn't had mercy. No 1200e - no full chip. That was their motto.
That was weird how NVIDIA teach their fans and they expect to AMD ask 1000$ day before presentation, they are almost sure in similar price as TITAN X.
Just because that's new technology HBM they have rights to ask 1000$.