Not at all just unrealistic foot stamping ,go to it ,me personally I think id get a proper Waterblock oor just hold on cos none if them appeal to me I'll hold with my 7970 for now.
But expecting aftermarket coolers and overclocking off the bat with a new arch is stupid,no one does it(1), it tests warranties(2) and removes a respin opportunity(3) ,now tell me nvidias different(4).
1) AMD haven't done it for a while. They screwed themselves with the 290X by NOT allowing AIB's to add better coolers because they thought their own jet blower was sufficient (or they pushed to release faster than AIB's knew, either way - AMD made a boo boo). Nvidia allowed GM204 cards to be released at launch with aftermarket coolers. GM204 is not GM 200, besides, GM200 came out after. As for not expecting overclocking off the bat cos it's stupid - no, your position is simply not supported by enthusiasts and product designers.
2) Any voltage addition voids almost any warranty period. We all know that but most enthusiasts that like their tech overclock. You still RMA cards as the over volting is normally software based (Precision X, Afterburner etc). Even well established cards state over volting void warranties - hell - my Kingpin says it. So it's not a valid argument to state that "expecting aftermarket coolers and overclocking...tests warranties" as it ALWAYS voids warranties.
3) Doesn't affect respin opportunity at all. Not even sure what you mean. Tweaking the process and delivering a more efficient version of the same arch has nothing to do with what overclocking' is expected at release. All a respin is designed to do (in my own understanding) is deliver the same chip with higher efficiencies and better margins for the company.
4) Nvidia are not different by much but they did allow the 980 (as
@HumanSmoke stated) to be released at launch with custom coolers and overclocks. However, Nvidia do lock down a lot of overclocking but only by means of voltage and power limits. The 980 range however was (and is) an overclocking demon. My best guess is that AMD pushed Fiji to it's limits with it's 1050 Mhz clocks and it doesn't have any headroom. That plus the process is immature (involving HBM and interposers) so yes - they don't want things breaking.
But taking all those points - Lisa Su did state (or her colleagues did) that it was an overclockers dream. The head of AMD no less said it. But it's not an overclockers dream at all. Hell - the 7970 was (is) awesome for it (I got my old Powercolor to 1300Mhz). To me it seems AMD got a bit lost after Tahiti (79xx) and Hawaii wasn't a great overclocker and Fiji just plain sucks at overclocking. Yes, Hawaii was good (but got eclipsed by full Kepler), and Fiji is also a great card (but get's thumped by Maxwell for the same price).
And that's the sting. I can buy an Nvidia card that is as cheap or cheaper than AMD's top line and the Nvidia card is faster. Since when was Nvidia cheaper than AMD? Think about it - it's been a while.
And one last thing (Columbo style) your 7970 is slow compared to what's out these days. I know because I had two.