ThE_MaD_ShOt yes i do understand he is saying that the asus are better have more stability and all that because they are more expensive and are built with better components. But the hard fact is they dont last.
they dont last at all here and the service centre here when i bought it was so horrible that i just repaired my previous asus board for the 5th time in 2 years and just let it stand and bought the asrock.
This was so bad infact taht Asus themselves had to intervene and lease out a new comapny for handling their rma services which is slightly improved now.
But that doesnt change that their boards do not last in the indian environment. A friend of mine bought the sabertooth 990FX board thats supposed to be really durable. It died for no reason after 75 days. He doesnt even know how to OC. now his board is in the RMA for over 15 days now and he will sell it and also get a asrock most definitely because the gigabyte ones are kinda overpriced here.