I'm sorry to say that. It seems that you never heard about the BigMac Index to get an impression about different currencies and their value. It's boring to argue with you. You don't even realize that i dont care about any foreign currency or price range as i live in Germany. And i'm only interested in the price range here in germany. If you have to pay 100 Norwegian Krones or 10.000 dosn't matter me in any way. I do not buy the CPU in your country and import it on my own. As long as you don't realize that you argue like a fool. I send you on my ignore list. I don't use to discuss with fools anyway. They only steal my time.
The shops have a vertain percentage range between the price the pay and they charge for. That's their income. If the price dropped they got the products cheaper. This range is also named Margin. That's one conclusion i got when i was working at germans biggest IT-distributor as a product manager. So. If that price drops AMD sells the CPU's cheaper and some dealerships bought it cheaper. When the price raises AMD is selling that CPU more expesive and the shops are adapting that higher prices in their calculation to keep the margin. Businesses are not a humabnitary organizations.

So yes, you're right. The amount of people losing money by this is much bigger than those who win. Just because the gaming guys are one of the minority buying that processors. The Majority of the buyers are in the professional segment using a computer for making money (professional users).
Nah man you just like to hear yourself talk and seem smart but fail YOU went off on the currency rant would you like me to read it back for you? You got your whole "I am so smart you know nothing of my currency! diatribe completely WRONG and I did know your currency and my own and your "metrics" were all BS and i laid it all out for you. Now you are trying to pivot back to only my currency matters even tho you were trying to allude to it being more expensive which I proved it was not. But now that doesn't matter now that you have been proven wrong AGAIN , The rest of this nonsense reads like a random paragraph from a Forbes magazine.
And LASTLY and most IMPORTANTLY your posts have NOTHING relevant at ALL to the original post. This is ALL a YOU problem and your almost CONSTANT sense of entitlement and making all about YOU with BS financial filler that AGAIN has nothing to do with the topic. I don't understand why you haven't realized yet you have done nothing at all but derail the entire original post because YOU feel entitled..
AMD do many bundles like this every year and I have l lost count on the number of games I have received over the years and the number I wished I had bought the bundle. I even just missed this one
But you are the FIRST person EVER in the almost 20 years I have been a member here and the amount of bundles AMD has done over at least half that time who made it into a thread of utter nonsense because suddenly YOU are special and this bundle is some kinda scam...and YOU deserve some sort of special compensation on THIS particular bundle our the probably hundred at least that have always been under the same condiiions....
Just STOP please I am tired of calling you out everytime and you just pivot to sometjhing even more irrlelevant and I have to call hat out too. You obviously have no self awareness to see you look like an utter spectacle but jsut keep churning out more nonsense so I get make a fool of you yet again. You have genuinely become boring because you just can't stop makng yourself just the most obvious of fools
I am going to try to simplfy this as best I can they run sometimes a dozen of these in a year they are always under the same conditions nothing has changed but the product and the bundle item, Full Stop.
There will never be any changes to it other than what I mentioned but will NEVER like what your insifgnicant self entielment wants EVER
send you on my ignore list. I don't use to discuss with fools anyway. They only steal my time.
aww I missed that part of his ranting wherehe had to tap out finalty at least he did finally give up and leave and I wasted all that effort...