Despite no forthcoming opinions, I went on flashing adventure anyway. It turns out that card can be made to work in Windows, however daily use is out of question (at present). Have CH341A with add-on clip on hand.

How to get there:
- Have some way to flash a vbios from software. I used my working Linux setup, but booting from USB with some most recent kernels (6.2 tested) should also initialize GPU properly. DOS/UEFI I have not tested and none of the available Windows amdvbflash allowed me to program vbios. AMDVBFlash 4.71 confirmed as working.
- Flash this vbios
8 GB HBM2, 1150 MHz GPU, 334 MHz Memory
to device 1 (second GPU, away from the bracket, reason will be made clear later).
sudo ./amdvbflash -p 1 258445.rom -f
- Reboot straight into Windows, DO NOT power cycle or hard reset.
- Manually install drivers posted on LTT to the flashed Video Controller. Check properties - select one with higher bus ID.
- I was connected through RDP, so V520 was automatically used for rendering. If you are using secondary GPU, find a way to select primary rendering device.
- One GPU should be ready to play around.
- Now the best part. Once you get bored, shutdown the machine. Oh wait, "I have to check something else" - too bad, computer will no longer POST with this card connected. Switch off/on AC power - first POST will always fail, second after hard reset will pass, but flashed GPU will no longer be detected in OS. (That was my experience, YMMV)
- Now it is time to restore vbios with CH341A, luckily SPI chip of the second GPU we were flashing is on the backside of the card.
- Good luck, if You dare.
My quest for the weekend - flash both ROMs and see what happens.