Problem is so much power go's thru the chip it expands this causes thermal paste to squish to the side, then it cools down creates a gap, the more it cycles like this the bigger the void zones, red devils and liquid devil suffer a lot from this, so unless paste is not moving when this happens its gonna get worse and worse atleast that is what i suspect happens with my liquid devil suposely ptm7950 fixes this cos its a pad cos it gets bit harder when coolsdown below 45c and above 45c it becomes softer kinda acting like liquid metal, lenovo puts it on their laptops, Nvidia puts it on the rtx 4090 founders edition
Hopefully custom aib look into it and consider testing it and putting it on current gen or least nextgen rdna cards, im not sure how well it gonna work long term but short term getting amazing results, and acording to test when it go's thru cycles it gets better.
EVGA has attempted to fix this issue with their gpu's but it had the disadvantage of cracking under liquid nitrogen i believe unless i miss understood, gamernexus did a video about EVGA worth a watch.
Most people report about 10c to 20c improvement but this is probably only compared to old aplication of thermal paste vs new aplication of ptm7950 but its supose to last entire lifetime of the device, i wish more YouTubers tested this and brought it to attention, there are bad visions tho of ptm7950 and better visions.
today hitting 71c hotspot max in ratchet and clank altho my watertemp is also about 1c higher today underload 72c in 3D occt test which is capable of hitting max temps
Furmark hits instant 55c - 56c not even a real thermal stress test these days.
Im curious how its gonna behave long term last thing i want is its going to go thru its cooling and heatup cycles creating new voidzones and hotspot areas.
Luckily its not super hot here anymore outside, my room temp is usually always 24-25c during the summer.