Ugh, takes a lot of explaining, but here's the short version
1. except all that you wrote is actually true. yes, they do test them under full load scenario, and yes intel's 4 core / 4 thread cpus tend to get hammered hard when the game requires 6 cores or more.,38,12,37,31
2. and this is like the main theme here, you are drawing wat too much conclusions just from this one digitalfoundry test. yes, 7600k is faster than 1600 when the game is not using all threads, and it gets hit hard when the game suddenly requires 12 threads to run smoothly. But that's what I've been trying to get across to you, this is the conclusion you should have arrived at: 4c/4t intel is faster than amd when the particular scene in game doesn't require all of its resources. It gets a heavy performance drop when those resources are running at their limit in other scenes while amd ryzen still has plenty of cpu resources so it doesn't get such a drastical performance drop. Instead this is the conclusion you arrived at: "I would have thought by now people are clued up enough to know that by turning graphics setting down you're reducing the load on CPU's ".
I literally ran out of time I should spend talking to you like 20 minutes ago. Take care.
Ok i'll put it a different way, i take it you watched that video now? and you saw the massive frame rate dips on the 7600K, the stuttering that was happening on it?
None of that shows on slides, in fact slides can be very forgiving because taken over a longer period they dilute the performance differences given it is taken from averages over a period of low and high frame rates.
Whats more they don't show you that stuttering, its why i argue slide only reviews these days can be misleading,. because they hide the true gaming experience one can expect from the CPU's raw numbers in text only.
This is Insurgency, an old source engine game, its me, this is me playing this game, this very old game, the GPU is a GTX 1070, the CPU a 4.5Ghz 4690K.
Watch closely what happens to the 4 cores in this , they jump around bouncing off 100% on all 4.... i can tell you it feels horrible, its laggy and stuttery, in some places you can even see that stutter.
Now here's the thing, if i didn't already know about this from owning an Intel 4 core, and as a noob i'm looking to buy a CPU, if i look at w1zzards slides i would be lead to conclude the 4 core Intel i3 is much better than the 1600, the 2600, even the 2700X, when in fact the experience i would actually get, is as it is right now for me, pretty dreadful, i would have been much better off even with the Ryzen 1600.
Its not to have a go at W1zzard, i just hope that as a good reviewer he takes this feedback for what it is.
BTW a lot of the games i play are as bad or worse than that, on this Intel 4 core.