The release of the X3D was a test how it performs on the massive real world insanity of combined hardware and it showed to work ( with small issues)
So for now we can assume that it only becomes better in the near future, AMD is not scared to try new things and is in my view the most innovative company on the planet in this branch.
They test and try all kinda new things and with all of them do look at the power usage still as much as possible
I do not want a power gulping CPU when it only gives a few procent improvement as Intel has been doing all these years
They need to start thinking about new ways to improve both ways more performance with much lesser power usage.
As long as Intel does not show that they are for me not an option the same goes for Nvidia they just build more power sucking super heaters which do not actually make me want them
Sure my PSU's yes i got 10 range from 1000 up to 1600 watts ( gold rated) so they can handle it but i want it to use lesser power not more unless it is not really possible
Even though Intel released a buttload newer models i refused to buy them as non of them does a better job than my old 9900KF
Non of my games would benefit one second of the new models while i expect a massive improvement when the 7xxx AMD series comes out
Hell i almost bought the 5000 series X3D.
But after the leak i am sure that the newer serie will give me a huge boost in performance on almost all my games.
I hope to see better games coming out in the near future which are not boring old stuff we see for "ages" in a row

AMD has the best cards and is improving constant and dares to experiment with new ways to solve old problems
I sure sound as a AMD fan now but i do not care which one leads the pack, but in the last decades AMD has been proving me they are the ones who go forward and do not sit still at the same old crap.
Not exactly. Super long the first time (over a minute on my board/memory combo), about 30 seconds after that - each time.
For me it's not really a big deal - I always turn off any fast boot stuff in the BIOS and disable anything to do with the Windows fast boot 'feature' anyway.
Smart move when you have troubles with that darn rotten os from M$ you never am sure it works like you want it
That is also the reason i hate that super bad product called 11 it is a garbage product with nothing really new besides a incredible fail interface and going back to have to a new NON graphical interface.
The so called improvements in 11 are totally worth nothing as it is just going back in time, using the only command line stuff i always had to use on their server products
Nothing in 11 made me feel it was worth it, most of it only made me angry and are totally unlogical
Anyway i think something might be not right i discovered that some software was eating away my system resources and it turned out to be some of the old tools i normally liked to use.
So use autorun manager to see if you got some of these startup items which are really not needed
I have killed any and all AMD software stuff and only allow the graphics driver as some of these really am just slwoing my bootup
But this was just and example of the long list of crappy software which only spies on your system without any usefull function
There are tons of programs running in the back of your system sending all kinda nonsense and private info to so many companies you really should block or kill.
I have killed them all and my system was instant running as i was used to it, being super fast again the only wait is now till the mobo does finally gives the OS boot
But i do know that fast boot makes it a insane hard task to get back into the bios if needed so NOPE NO fast boot

The reason for that is that this old 9900Kf boots so darn fast that you hardly get it to accept your keystrokes to boot into bios
LOL i hope all the makers of motherboards will add a support tool to force the mobo into the bios or make a tool that you can change your bios settings in a tool in the OS
As the systems are in a upwards trend to become faster and faster every decade
Especially by the incredible power from the modern graphics cards becoming insane powerfull
I get the feeling that game designers can not keep up with all the graphics power we see in the last decade
They need alot of time to make and plan the games so they always stay behind