Hope WIzzard will factor in the problems ryzen is facing at the moment (from hardware to software)
There is a possibility that more performance can be tapped in for usage (SIngle threaded performance)
As I said before Amd should have delayed ryzen for at least another 6-8 months then they would have killed it!
But now Amd has put unnecessary doubt on their current product line
we need competition in the cpu market
Launching a product isn't a simple thing to do for the best of companies and in AMD's case, I think they had to deliver something as soon as they could, as not only did the "enthusiasts" demand something, but also the "market" and AMD's share holders. You can't announce that you have something coming and keep delaying it for too long in today's world, as people will lose interest, the market loses trust and the shareholders lose faith in the company. That's a quick way to go out of business.
So yes, Ryzen has for whatever reason disappointed left, right and centre, even though it seems to be a kickass processor for the money. Yes, the motherboards appear to be super flaky, but as I wrote elsewhere and which seemingly everyone has forgotten about, when the Slot-A Athlon launched, AMD had far worse problems. The chipset was utter shite, they had worse BIOS problems (as in the boards barely booted), the board makers wouldn't put their names on the boards as they were afraid of some kind of payback from Intel, software support was zero, power supply support was limited and it was nearly impossible to buy the thing due to so many shops being afraid of what Intel was going to say.
The situation is far from perfect now, but it's nothing like what it was back then. That time VIA kind of saved AMD by coming out with a decent chipset, something that's unlikely to happen this time around, although it looks like anyone could technically make a chipset for Ryzen, as the three chipsets are fairly basic in terms of what they offer and are in fact not needed to make a working system.
I just hope the motherboard makers get their act together and sort out the UEFI issues as the first priority. Then hopefully they figure out how to build better boards and then we'll see how things pan out.
Keep in mind that Intel has made less than stellar platforms over the years, like the 820 chipset, various "budget" versions of chipsets that were horrible as Intel cut too many features, the wonderful P67 with a bugged SATA interface that died over time and a few other blunders.
Let's not even talk about buggy BIOSes etc. for Intel boards, I have tested a fair share of boards over the years that just weren't production ready, yet were sent out to media for reviews and that's from every board maker and with every combination of chipsets.
No-one's perfect in this industry and the judgement that has gone out on Ryzen before it has even been given a chance feels very mean spirited for no real reason. AMD has really done an amazing job, but most people here should know better than point fingers, as every single tech company has screwed up at one time or another. Yes, the launch could've gone smoother, there could've been fewer issues, but hey, shit happens. And yes, we very much need competition in the x86/x64 CPU market and VIA isn't going to bring it...