And then keep not sucking. That's going to be tough for a company in AMD's position.
That is kind of a sad graph because Nvidia has made some decent advances in different fields that last 5 years. Intel on the other hand, and while still the dominant CPU company, has really not been that impressive since AMD tanked with Bulldozer. Its as if they have just milked everything they can with very little upgrades each generation because they know they have no competition. There cheapest 4 core CPU the whole time has been around the $200 mark, and of course the fact that they haven't pushed the core count further during the whole time in the consumer market stuff. If Intel hadn't of been so dominant to begin with most people would of been complaining, but instead they look forward to the 5 or 6 percent increase each year. It has only just started getting to the point where an older Intel Core system should be upgraded, and that is mainly because of the things like PCI Express generational improvements, USB 3 and USB 3.1 or needing a USB C connector on your motherboard, or of course the switch to DDR4 memory. Those things will lead me to build my next PC rather than the incremental increases in performance on Intel's CPU's.