ActuallyI can also post my other emails from AMD where all of TechReports claims would be pointed out as lies.
What lies would they be? I've been over Scott's editorial word-by-word, and unless the original email is incorrect (which I doubt) I don't see any lies. I see Scott given a set of parameters to work within, and his opinion on those. If you see a different set of parameters, maybe you should look to the second statement you made...
I have permission to post all those things he does not. I chose not to.
And this pertains to Scott Wasson's position how ?
Three things were requested to be held back, yes.
So leaving out Price, OC testing and CPU benchmarking was a
request from AMD and not a violation of NDA- since NDA is less a request than an edict.
CPU Benchmarks. Um, this is an APU, not a CPU, so really, what importance do CPU-related benchmarks have on a chip that was designed for other purposes?
OK. You lost me on that one. I'd actually consider that stance from a tech enthusiast to be complete bollocks....unless of course AMD are marketing Trinity APU's with box art featuring a warning: " THIS PRODUCT IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH PRODUCTIVITY OR NON-DVXA MEDIA APPLICATIONS"
The author at TR is playing a bit of bias game here, he has done the preview for Intel [link] EDIT: Before you judge me, i am a long time reader at TR (2006) and have more than 4000+ post counts in their forum.
Mentioning your posting rate is immaterial. The link was prominently displayed a few comments above your own in jimbo75's post under the TR article. The fact that the only instance of something vaguely similar happening is a singular event 6+ years ago isn't that compelling.
I'd ask the question whether the AMD cheerleading squad would happily defend a similar stance if Intel were to allow "previews" of Ivy Bridge/Haswell's CPU's based on CPU computation only, with IGP performance embargoed (or
requested held back as the case may be) until the CPU goes retail....NDA for CPU related benches expires on the same day as the SKU's go retail does it not?