3D gates and 22nm, Knights Corner...... yeah, slowing down.
You can thank AMD 4 pushing innovation for Intel's 3D gates. One thing people fail to understand is Intel can afford to screw up, where as AMD cannot. Intel messed up and tried to stall innovation many times in History. If it wasn't for AMD's blunt headstrong innovation to succeed, we would all be still using Pentium 5 or 6's right now.
AND with its limited R & D still led the industry in a much better path vs. What Intel wanted to do, not to mention AMD designing some nice hardware that competed strong.
or x86 microprocessor innovations, AMD has shown the way as well.
First superscalar RISC - K5
First to use "Flip-Chip" technology - K6
First on-chip L2 cache - K6-3
First use of copper interconnects - K7
First fully pipelined, superscalar floating point unit - K7
First to extend x86 to 64-bits (AMD64) - K8
First IMC (Integrated Memory Controller) - Athlon 64
First Dual-Core processors Athlon 64 x2
First Quad-Core processors
First 8- Core processors - Bulldozer