While the matter of ownership of things on this forum is debatable.
COULD you please try to be mindful of the fact that there are a number of people who's email boxes get spammed with copies of your discussion to 1 particular member of the boards.
While going off-topic in a thread is not a violation of any rule. Some moderators would cull it nonetheless.
Yes, Masta, I'll do whatever you want.
If you have a problem with the email box being spammed, turn off the feature in TPU. Easy enough fix.. Or, set up a email account just for the forum it self..
if you feel I need to reprimanded for going off, then feel free to send it to a mod. If you want, I'll even pm ya a name or two that would like to just hit me with 15 points probably..
It was just a few post that even went off topic.. Not like it was two-three page worth of it..
Plus, this isn't for forum style itself.. It's a Club.. we're bound to even go off topic now and again..
Now, King Morpha wants this to go back on topic. Lets do so.
Do you guys think that Tenjou Tenge should have more episodes then what they made??