There's nothing "unique" about KCD, it's just another videogame (albeit a very good one). The charge that AC is "trying to show off what a revolutionary new thing it is while actually offering nothing substantial" is completely off, since which AC has tried to do that? It’s also contradictory, because you can't argue that a series is stagnant and trying to be revolutionary at the same time.
Saying that they're "out the same game every year" proves you're arguing on autopilot because it's demonstrably false. Besides, when they tried to "go back to the roots" and made Mirage smaller, because of commenting massive saying how allegedly terrible big games are (despite Valhalla selling 20 mil), that was not good either - so, be damned if you do, damned if you don't. It;s the same with Shadows - the game has not been released yet, judging by the previews the gameplay seems vastly changed, and yet it's been already decided it is "staganant". I rest my case
It also doesn't matter whether it's KCD is #2 or 13 because it’s an example and the idea is the same. If KCD2 was from Ubi or EA people would apply the same complaints, only because the narrative says so. Nobody whines about GTA being stagnated (even though the actual game mechanics actually go backwards) or how hilariously derivative the gameplay concepts in CP2077 or Avowed are, because the companies behind them are the "good guys" (the hysterical backlash Cyberpunk got was mostly about tech, and that was only half warranted too since on PC the game was just fine).
Sure, the overarching story in AC is a ridiculous dumpster fire, especially the existence of Animus, which always has been one of the more wtf things in modern gaming. But that can be easily ignored because the "local" individual stories are just fine.
In any case my main point is about deciding a game is rubbish months in advance, based on completely irrelevant factors.