What mice did they give you? 5$ ones? 10$ ones?
They told me that they had some mice that were left overs...and I should grab one with a dongle that worked. I proceeded to the cabinet of e-waste...and it was empty. They'd decided that instead of wired mice on the line they'd use the wireless garbage, and that any new purchases would not include anything beyond a laptop and power brick.
I was allowed, within reason, to choose the mouse I wanted. Talk to IT, tell them a $5 piece of e-waste was in nobody's interest, so I spent about $40 on a decent adjustable wired mouse. Startech docking stations all around...so not great but not garbage. One of those three jobs was 80+% travel, so I even got to but a decent backpack for my laptop. The only e-waste I've ever been straddled with is an iPhone...but that's just my opinion when you buy a new phone and cannot charge the thing because you don't get a power brick and the laptop isn't scheduled to come in for another two days.
I've also, mind you in quality, upgraded 5 laptops with new RAM, transferred 3 from HDD to SSD, and gotten the pleasure of asking how long a laptop had been overheating. That last one seems weird, but I received it as someone complaining it was slow, I shook it, flipped it over, removed the back, and found somebody had sheared off all of the fan blades....and two days later they were happy to have a "like new" PC that just worked.
Now....bringing this back to the original topic...let's say your average mouse costs about $7. Let's say you replace said mouse around every 8 months...on average. You now have 40 computers that each need a mouse. (12 months/8 months) * $7/mouse * 40 mice = $420.00 per year on a regular burn. At $6 per mouse, 40 mice, 12 months, that's 2880. It's really depressing, but I'm sure a business major out there will compare that as $240 a month to a yearly $420 cost...and people will forget that because it hits multiple times accounting will consider this less impactful...because it's a constant and measurable item which can be planned for....instead of somebody needing to rush out and buy $200 in mice and $60 in batteries because you're out and suddenly causing downtime. I guess I'm just lucky to not have to compare what I use to e-waste...even though I entirely understand some companies only survive on e-waste hand-me-down.