Hi, I just posted this at another site, but I guess it'd be better to post it here, since the maker of the mods actually reads here (thanks for the Radeon 9500 work btw W1zzard) >)
It's only an idea, and some members here will probably be able to poke a, or multiple hole(s) into this, but here goes.
This is about the VDIMM mod that tells you that if you connect a certain solderblob to another solderpoint, you'll feed 3.2V directly into your memory, alternatively, you can run the 3.3v line from your PSU into it to get 3.3v.
First off, are there any problems with this method? How does it work, does it override the bios voltage? Cuz I can't imagine it Adding that voltage to the existing flow >P
Anyhoo, if there's nothing wrong with that mod, how about taking a molex's 5v line (or a certain ATX motherboard plug pin?), putting a quality adjustable resistor between it, and running that into said solderpoint?
Theoretically you should be able to give it any voltage you want then, kinda like high-end DFI boards take their VDIMM from the 5v line.
Handy for people with BH5 memorysticks, cuz those can need upto, say, 3.6v with active cooling?
Just be really sure to measure it beforehand and during >P
Anyway, this is just an idea for now, I can't test it cuz I don't have my board, and since Opterons are really hard to get at the moment, I'm gonna have to wait quite a while for my setup to arrive
So please, don't anyone who isn't sure try this, I'm so far just wondering what the more knowledgable people here think of the idea.
It's only an idea, and some members here will probably be able to poke a, or multiple hole(s) into this, but here goes.
This is about the VDIMM mod that tells you that if you connect a certain solderblob to another solderpoint, you'll feed 3.2V directly into your memory, alternatively, you can run the 3.3v line from your PSU into it to get 3.3v.
First off, are there any problems with this method? How does it work, does it override the bios voltage? Cuz I can't imagine it Adding that voltage to the existing flow >P
Anyhoo, if there's nothing wrong with that mod, how about taking a molex's 5v line (or a certain ATX motherboard plug pin?), putting a quality adjustable resistor between it, and running that into said solderpoint?
Theoretically you should be able to give it any voltage you want then, kinda like high-end DFI boards take their VDIMM from the 5v line.
Handy for people with BH5 memorysticks, cuz those can need upto, say, 3.6v with active cooling?
Just be really sure to measure it beforehand and during >P
Anyway, this is just an idea for now, I can't test it cuz I don't have my board, and since Opterons are really hard to get at the moment, I'm gonna have to wait quite a while for my setup to arrive

So please, don't anyone who isn't sure try this, I'm so far just wondering what the more knowledgable people here think of the idea.