I can't understand how Asus aren't getting 'worst product in the history of humanity' reviews for this thing. And Nvidia, if it comes to that.
The 'ROG STRIX' premium 1650 was $180: https://www.techpowerup.com/review/asus-geforce-gtx-1650-strix-oc/
That's $30 above the normal 1650 price of $150, which is a fair premium. The normal price of a '50' card is around $130.
1650 - $150
1050 - $110
950 - $160
750 - $120
650 - $110
550 - $160
450 - $130
Nobody pays double for a 'premium' edition GPU. (Fake RRP of the 3050 is $250, this polished turd is $500 real price)
The RRP is fraudulent, and this is a far, far, far worse product than the 6500 XT, which might not be very good, but at least it's not based on a totally fake and fraudulent price.
The 'ROG STRIX' premium 1650 was $180: https://www.techpowerup.com/review/asus-geforce-gtx-1650-strix-oc/
That's $30 above the normal 1650 price of $150, which is a fair premium. The normal price of a '50' card is around $130.
1650 - $150
1050 - $110
950 - $160
750 - $120
650 - $110
550 - $160
450 - $130
Nobody pays double for a 'premium' edition GPU. (Fake RRP of the 3050 is $250, this polished turd is $500 real price)
The RRP is fraudulent, and this is a far, far, far worse product than the 6500 XT, which might not be very good, but at least it's not based on a totally fake and fraudulent price.