I just can't get over the size of this card, unnecessarily large IMHO. Gonna need e-atx MOBO & case to fit these thing's! Also from what i have seen most of the 7970's can clock as well as this one so i can't justify the premium there either. Based on that and my experience's with Asus CS over the year's this aint for me. It does look imposing though, badass even
I'll say it again: Give me a card minus the HSF! I'll do my own damn cooling

Tell 'em W1zz
im just wondering what premium
MSI stock reference card is $579
Asus stock reference when in stock hovers around $569
Gigabyte was cheap on reference at $549 but there OC + non reference cooler is $610
the way I look it at $20 for a card with a good cooler and back plate isnt a premium at all especially with a decent warranty.
its a better product for a $20 spot, and if all gpus clocking high right now are using ASUS bios I can buy the asus with good cooling and I already have the bios that allows better clocking.... so while I guess you could save $20 It makes more sense to get everything you need In one go with no fucking around

I would by MSI TF III again, but no back plate = no thank you,
my 6950s had a whole lotta sag from those coolers nearly 1/2 inch the day I got them now back plate dosent fix that 100% but, Ill take it anyway as its also sexy, also worth noting that back plate means if 2 cards touch they wont short out, where as in mobos with crappy slot arrangment my MSI cards took up the same space as the ASUS do, and if that TF III cooler touches the back of another cards PCB it will short.
again DirectCu II is 2 1/2 slot
the sag on my MSI 6950s made them arorund 2 1/2 slot cards as well. so in the end not a huge deal for most,