Well if the 2950pro lives up to these specs it will definately be a worthy investment and replacement for my x1950pro which replaced my x850pro (modded to 16 pipe x850xtpe and OC'd beyond) which replaced my 9600pro if ya see my trend. And by then more DX 10 gaming should be present, even so, DX9 will still be dominant, so it'll be the next gen DX9 brawler with better DX10 performance (maybe decent drivers)...and DX10.1, unless it's an early release and instantly widely supported, I don't really care.
But the card sounds great! By that time I should be ready to make a jump on a new vid card, as I'm pretty content with every game I play right now at 1440x900 with settings cranked up. Hell maybe by then, I might be on Intel's next chipset and dual core (possibly quad if a better purpose for them arises) with some better timed DDR3 (I'm impressed how far they've gotten so far...imagine by the end of the year or early next year!).
Alas time will tell, but I figured if it wasn't 2900pro, it may be of the quick-fix next gen 2900 replacement, the 2950 series. That's how I see it with the 2950's, but it is a welcomed and good thing in my mind. The 2900's didn't do as hoped or expected, which was fine because they can OC and still do good.