First, remember that the dynamic of the assault class will change in final release. The AT rocket gun is the primary ranged anti armour for the class, it was standard in the alpha but not available in the beta.
The map is a little frustrating to learn, but i kept a posotive KD and stayed near the top of the scoreboard playing as assault (with the automatico no less) stick to the flag cluster as infantry. Leave the outer flags for armor, calvary, or aircraft.
One of the things i noticed was that many people were choosing the light tank, on a map like this thats crippling for the team. The ability to transport infantry from flag to flag especially when moving on outer flags is necessary to win. In several rounds i felt that my team played better and was more organized, but since we had light tanks and they chose heavy tanks and landships they were able to capture and hold flags where we couldn't. To be clear, i dont want the mechanics of choosing your tank class to change, i just hope people become more aware of the implications of that choice.
Dynamite needs to stick to things
No one knows how to play the elite pick ups. I picked it up once and easily went on a 6 kill streak. But i never once got killed by it, and anyone i saw with it was walking around in the open (and getting destroyed)
As the heavy, you can face two or more infantry and tank them (btw the machine gun actually kinda sucks) but if you let people see you in the open, or corner you its all over. Your too slow and your gun is too inaccurate.
Bombers are the best on this map imo. That front machine gun is devastating.
The train is awsome, but very vulnerable to land mines. And if you dont have someone goid on its aa cannon itll get torn apart from the sky.
I think there should be a trench at D to offer a bit of cover from E side.
I wish there was more at E. I dont mind how far out it is, but its honestly worth ignoring if it means diverting resources from the other flags.
There is no ticket bleed, so deaths are irrelevant to winning. Combine that with the fact that a flag cap is worth about 12 kills, and it creats some weird dynamics. Im not sure if its good or bad yet.
The medic class needs more consistent guns. Give them crazy recoil, but the bullets need to go where the crosshair is. The automatic guns are fin as is.
Who said there were no non scoped rifles in the beta? I used one. Its pretty good.
Spotting has been a battlefield mechanic for like a decade, why cant people do it? Gunfire no longer reveals you on the mini anymore, and nobody spots.
Overall i like it, i just think DICE made a weird choice for weapon availability, it doesnt represent how the map will actually be played.