you have already decided that the game is beyond hope I have a solution for you don't play it
and yes compared to the battle-log reddit is a marginally better option mostly because they can remove/delete/ban people at will
if you aren't willing to be a positive participant in cte then you don't get to have a opinion
also the winter patch containing the majority of the cte fixes for things like headglitching and hit reg is rolling into the main game in in last week of feb/early march
Hit reg is not a problem if you have a low ping.
Where did I say it was beyond hope and what's with the condescending attitude?
I've been a participant in CTE since day 1. Just because I disagree with DICE on
some things does not mean my opinion is invalid. I didn't join CTE to be a yes man and be DICE's PR man.
How many times do you have to mention that something is broken before you just give up in frustration? DICE used to be very active in the forums. Then about mid July of last year things changed. All hope of communicating with them (outside of Twitter) was lost with the mass influx for Final Stand. Now they're helping you out with certain times that they will be in the server? What was wrong with the forums? I'm sorry I don't have all day to play CTE and try to catch one of the DICE guys in the game or use Twitter's limited character model to try and get in my opinion on matters.
I just said that they're using CTE to fix bugs in the new features instead of also fixing old bugs that have been around since BF3. You're right, they will probably address vehicle issues when they do the vehicle pass, but there are bugs (like false reloads) that still effect gun play. Just because I point out that DICE LA is not fixing old bugs does not mean that I don't get to have an opinion. You know how you get stuck on stairs worse now after the fall patch? That was mentioned heavily in the forums before the patch came out. Nothing was ever said about it. Then they decided to come out with new collision model. They wanted feedback. Not much has been said since. Then playing the Hardline beta, I see that the new collision model is in the beta (it's easy to tell because the light bleeds through the corners of walls that face outside when lighting is set to low).
As for vehicle balance, I was (for once in a long time) talking to rainkloud in the forums (they've already done some vehicle tweaks to countermeasures, accessories, and some weapons). He was said that he was trying to make the other countermeasures viable to get people not to use APS. I was trying to tell him that it is futile (if he was trying to force people out of using APS) unless you make a massive nerf to the system similar to what happened with the M2 Slam. APS allows you to be sloppy in your vehicle play and get away with stuff that the other countermeasures would end up getting you killed. While those who would spend the time changing their play style for different loadouts, since most players are casual, they're not interested in that (given that they usually have a limited amount of time to play the game) and will just abuse the easiest system they can. For example, in Borderlands the Prequel, they made a massive nerf to one of the laser guns. The reasoning given is that it was the most used gun and too powerful for how easy it was to get. This was true, but because most players don't understand how skill trees work with certain guns (I still don't understand how they full work either), most players will just find what they do understand. There were much more powerful weapon/skill combinations available, but because it's not easy to understand, most players (who are casual) just used that one laser gun to the point that Gearbox had to nerf it because they wanted to force players to use the other guns available. In the end, the problem was not the gun, it was that Gearbox did not do a good job explaining how guns can work with skill sets. This holds true for all games. Players are going to abuse the system that takes the least to master because they don't have a lot of time to devote to learning some new technique or play style. So I urged him to not balance based on trying to force people to use something else (which does not address balance but skews balance), but to balance based on what is possible given enough time to learn a new play style. The former will destroy a game's balance, the later will give an advantage to those who devote time to learning a new play style.
You still did not answer my question about when you joined CTE.