I am still trying to figure out how to utilize that. Might go with...
Assault1: XM8 - Rex - 40mm - Reflex/Ascope - Magnum
Assault2: G3 - Rex - C4 - Lightweight - Body Armor
Engineer1: UMPsa - Rex - Gustav - Ammo - Magnum
Engineer2: UMPsa - Rex - RPG - Explosive Ammo - Explosivemk
Recon1: GOL - Rex - Mortar - Extra Zoom - Magnum
Recon2: VSS - Rex - C4 - Lightweight - Magnum
Medic1: M60 - Rex - Medkit - Medkit
Medic2: M60 - Rex - Lightweight - Magnum
What do you guys think?
I would ditch the scope using the XM8, that has one of the best ironsights in the game, pick up more noobtubes instead. Also try the M416 over the XM8, personally I seem to kill a bit more with it per hour, they are basically the same stats. I personally can't stand the G3, seems wildly innacurate while hip firing, which honestly, I do a lot. But if you own with it, then that loadout looks good, otherwise, maybe try the shotguns.
UMP's a great gun, but if you are taking a pistol in your loadout, maybe try out the PP2000. The UMP is the gun I like to use when I take tracers, the PP2000 needs a backup pistol because it eats ammo so fast. Also, if your using a RPG, you should always try and take tracers, they move too slow and Arc too much to go without the tracer. But honestly, I rarely use RPG's, too many tanks pussy foot around bases and hide way out there with an Engineer in them. I find using landmines is so much better, and it allows you to take a pistol with you.
I don't play this much, and I like the VSS loadout, it's what I use to play, but that thing just eats so much ammo, I found that taking extended clip + mag ammo was better. I hipfire at close range, and the extended ammo allows me too. And long range I have much more shots to take.
While the M60 is still a great gun, the PKM has now replaced it. So I would use the PKM over it. I almost always use Magnum ammo, the 1st slot, is all up to you.
Try out the M9 pistol. I like the Rex, it makes me feel like a cowboy, but it just didn't seem to get the job done. I really like the M9, it has extremely low recoil.
I make sure one of my Engineer loadouts has the tag gun, that thing is very useful when used correctly. Although I'm not as good with it as say Highway or Kurgan.
I love the tracer, but I usually run pistol + landmines. The only time you will ever see me with one, is if a chopper is really pissing me off.