Prosthetic arm woman that overpowers men in hand to hand combat, on the Western Front and we have to grow up ? adding womans to a video game, fine.
Adding cyborg-women and calling someone who disagrees with, a child or uneducated, not fine.
My grandfather was an officer, fought in WW2, Eastern Front, got a lot of "recognition" from the communists for it after August 1944, wonder what he would have said about this ... re-writing of history.
I’m quoting droopyRO because I agree and it’s the same topic.
I’ve got to say
@W1zzard, for those of us educated in college and beyond with a plethora of history classes, and well versed in studious historians like Stephen Ambrose, to be so dismissive of us and our knowledge of history is rather off-putting.
EA took complete “poetic” or “artistic” license with this, because in actuality, despite 300 million people fighting, this was not historical fact, especially on the Western Front. You had some female partisans, sure, but that’s about it. Every army used their women in support roles, far from the front.
Anyway, your dismissiveness of those who want a historically based game to at least try to be a little accurate really doesn’t belong in a review.
When sticking to the performance matters, you gave a fine review as always.
for me, amd radeon did a good job and clear winner here.
thanks for the review.
Not exactly clear winner, but it was nice to see the Vega64 right up behind the 1080Ti.