Yeah no, those ideas only work on the internet where everyone and his dog is telling the world they are throwing money at their screen. Its the same as that TPU poll where '25% was either gaming on or going to game on 4K'. They aren't, and they aren't going to anytime soon.
Price is a primary concern despite all the marketing and hype we let ourselves get fooled with. An enthusiast forum is the worst possible place to gauge the sentiment with regards to price.
Ironically an enthusiast forum is also the only place you will find apologists for this horrible business practice Nvidia is employing with Turing. We're paying a high price for RTX and if we want to upgrade, we literally have no way to avoid it. And then people here happily say 'look, theý're selling cards, its going well!'...

Typical situation of 'in the land of the blind'.
I've said this before, and I will say it again: you have a real option of NOT BUYING something. Skip a gen, and you will find RTX to be far more reasonably priced either this gen or the next one. Thát is my main motvation for resisting this, and believe it or not, that sentiment does matter, even if some fools buy it anyway. Another possible advantage is that more effort will be put into optimization and quality of the experience, because that is another way to increase value.
If you really want RTRT to happen, now is the time to step on the brakes hard and force an adjustment. Turing's implementation is simply not viable.