Had nothing to do with me. Just makes sense to only change cable types only when necessary.
Which really makes me wonder why every other Cooler Master and Thermaltake have different pinouts.
Because it is cheaper or it produces profit. What else?
I wouldn't bother about them anyways, if the plugs looks the same it does not mean it is compatible and you should use it without rechecking polarities or data lines. I won't even touch the topic also of need of having the right awg for ehrm wires, thus you simply should not any cabling and make believing in some standart conformity, while watching the wire become limp and hot like a spaghetti. The differentiation actually should be there to prohibit using anything into the PSU's. You have to be careful.
Some PSU's that does not have the current capability are fine and can use anything, while high current capacity ones need the most important optional accessory - brains. During the bitcoin craze I saw multiple PSU's with burnt terminals as they ran 24/7 for months, I have mixed feelings about Mini-misFits also. I still prefer half modular. I will attach an example of the crime scene. I have one besides my feet under the desk. That's an AX850, the unit itself is working fine except for the connector crime scene.
IMHO as I said, the way to go is to go all custom cabling for your specific use cases in a specific case. No excess length, direct coupling, with calculated limits, ventilated couplings also, no heat build up. Imagination is your own limit making your system run perfectly.