I think we should just continue or at least try to this got all sorts of ridiculous..
my apologies if i seemed off character...i have a habit of reacting o something in the same way it was presented ot me.
i wasnt trying to attack you spicificly, i just get sick of the vista fanbois or morons(ppl that think because they dont have any problems that nobody has any problems)
they tell people who have tryed and dont like vista that its their fault they had problems, if you say vista is slow.
they say "get new hardware" when you point out that you have a plenty powerfull rig say a 5600+ x2(2.8gz 2x1mb cache) at 3.3-3.5gz with 4gb ram, they tell you that your wrong or lieing.
i dont call ppl that say "vista runs better for me" liers, tho ever time i see that i think "then they must have had a very bad xp install..."
but i dont tell them when they post that vista is the best ever, telling them that they are liers or that they are stupid.
assuming they are posting it in thier own thred or an unrelated thred where they dont attack anybody who dosnt use/like vista.
well lets all just chill out, and triprift, ofcorse your going to agree with solar, he and you love vista