To say FIRSTLY that I completely agree with the whole Vayra86 & lexluthermiester 'sub-thread' /cocks head/ Weee... are often misunderstood...
I vaguely remember the big number Diablo 3 infographics at the time, too. Looking back we know why those existed; they had an RMAH and always online to choke us with, gotta keep the hype train rolling, even if there isn't one.
Hype-train was, even before the disastrous D3-launch, practically the ONLY part of company that functioned extremely well. Oh, look - WE HAVE THE LORE-MASTER! HYPE! (and let's ignore the fact that he's barely literal, that his master-lore is sooo sub-par compared to (high-school fanfic and) old "lore", expressed in cinematics in D1 and D2, created by rather undefined 'Blizzard Art Section'. "Lore" is in quotes, because it's a wonderfully free-form of just setting boundaries and letting player experience be individual... Of course, "The Loremaster" (who is in quotes because he's a parody of a writer /cocks head/).
What we got on the launch wasn't what we were promised, advertised even - and DeathMatch Arena, for example, so popular on Blizzcon was... scrapped and implemented as the most degrading PvP imaginable, few years after. Both RMAH and AH actually COULD'VE worked and COULD'VE been an addition:
1) if there was any competent person creating itemization (trade as such never destroyed D2, how come? errrr... not everything was RNG, fact is most of the stuff wasn't)
2) if there was SOME effort to stop botting - and there was none
Their "victorious" demographics chart is pure statistics manipulation, proclaiming a victorious year when *nothing* happened 8 out of 12 months - 'sorry, there is nothing we can do for vanilla players now or in the future, please wait for paid 40g Expansion where we might start fixing something', Whole RoS should've been free, comparatively how vanilla was "bad and worsened"... I did actual analysis of that chart, getting how miserable were results in the last months...
Another way they can monetize this is because they can now control what gets the spotlight in custom map releases. And the hidden agenda is this: 'We don't want another IceFrog that jumps ship to Valve'.
Hmmmm... Lovecraftian unreliable narrator remembers something as IceFrog was not original author... And how Blizzard actually bought the map from him... Legal confusion: could he have sold it at all, or Blizzard buying it? It happened "at some time", rather silently, IceFrog continued to develop DOTA and nothing happened on the surface... I'm not exactly sure on this, yes - there are the ways to check it on wayback machine or something similar, and I'm a bit lazy doing that - chiefly because DOTA or MOBA or everything spawning from an actual Blizzard original map (can't seem to place the name) - well, I don't like them. So, I'm not searching their history /cocks head/ - I'm pretty sure that it happened this way, but there could be a mistake...
HOWEVER! I *did* a work on a custom map, I too was not the original author, but it was 4 years of development and... Now I loaded it in current editor and clicked (maybe!) save, and according to new EULA, all our bases are belong to Blizzard, now??? This should not be hidden deep in the mines of EULA yes/no, but rather flashing at the top of the screen the whole time, asking if I am sure that I want to *donate* Blizzard with it... As said, I am not the original author and have no intention of trying to commercialize the mod - but... Now it belongs to Blizzard, whatever original author (or me; or other modders) thought of it - my main fear is them making "D3 out of my D2" (especially since I worked pro bono for 4 years, original author too) - degradation would be... shameful...
Disgusting. But luckily we don't forget and the internet has a looooong memory too.
Hope you're right. Really. But, some of the things that they kinda pioneered - for example 'this is yo account, and yo will be known by it and neverever can change the the fact that everyone and their brothers see who you are... It's de facto a standard nowadays. And I firmly deny it's 'for a greater good', to stop flaming and trolling and smurfing and "botting which we never actually try to stop, but in case". Also, "always online, only online"... I never bought SC2 (after signing several petitions against this policy) for this reason. What happened? Nothing, sadly...
[I need the name-change for roleplaying purposes, it's kinda obvious /cocks head/ that it's very dear to me, I'm defined as 'middle-aged' according to (sic!) age, and my avatar is... So, not the terrorism, as all of the gaming companies would like to present it]