My tweaked primary install of openSUSE takes an amazing 125 to 130 megabytes of RAM at desktop right after boot. Beating even stock XP install which eats up close to 200MB. Everyday usage with bunch of browser tabs, various apps running in background, and similar and I never exceed 800MB to 950MB RAM-usage-wise. In other words I use only 1GB out of 6GB available. With my Vista install and similar workload I hit 5GB easily on a daily basis. (And please don't start with Vista caches this or that. I'm quite familiar with Windows kernel architecture and all the caching mechanism are turned off, both under Win and Linux for that matter)
CPU usage is about the same as various Windows versions, but then again I got a i7 920 CPU, so it takes some serious workload for me to notice any slowdowns there. However, disk transfer rates are ridiculously better under Linux especially with latest kernel revisions. (and some personal tweaks). I'm talking anywhere from 30% to 40% better, depending on file-system and file size (XFS is silly fast and I get 40%+ better throughput rates vs. NTFS with large files in some instances)
As for compatibility with hardware. That is still true, especially with printers and scanners. However there are workarounds for just about everything, but then again, unless you are buying that rare Linux box at retail you are going to have issues hardware-wise. It's not completely point and click and never will be with Linux. Linux is still a
power user tool directed at
power users.
As for software compatibility with Windows titles, Windows games that is, with latest Wine builds I get up to 80% compatibility. Which is crazy considering just 5-6 years ago I would say that number was at around 15% at best. I've played Crysis, Oblivion, Battlefield 1942 and BF2, and at least 100+ other titles out of my 200+ PC game collection. Most play fine, others are slower than when running under Win, others are a bit faster, especially older Dx8 titles. (Linux vs. NT 6.x that is. Linux vs NT 5.1 is a different story) Heck, I get better 3DMark 2001 and 2003 scores under openSUSE than Vista. Oh yeah, that's right, aside from Vantage, all 3DMark benches run fine under Linux now, with some help from PlayOnLinux. Although NT 5.x (XP and Win2k) are still best for 3DMark 2001 score-wise.
As for Commodore, as I originally intended to post: C64 was for tw**s!
ZX Spectrum FTW!!!