Sometimes I feel like TPU should add frametime in their gpu review too. So far it looks like Guru3D is the only one doing it and they been saying that it's fine on AMD gpu. Yet people still keep bringing that, as an argument as to why you shouldn't go amd.
"Overall we can say that Pascal with the GeForce GTX 1060 and the Polaris 10 with the Radeon RX 480 performed really well in the eleven FCAT tests we ran it through. Four out of eleven tests were DirectX 12 enabled. All games passed our examination easily without any noticeable stutters or anomalies, and that is pretty good if you ask me. Any game and any title can show some game engine related stuff, but that's not what we are looking at. The nice 6 GB frame-buffer on the GTX 1060 and the 8 GB on the RAdeon RX 480 obviously helps out quite a bit in the more AA heavy environments.
For now we end this article, obviously in the future we'll be monitoring framepacing with other and newer titles. ",17.html