Canada has a near-dead custom loop market. Your only option appears to be and they look very expensive with a limited selection, especially in the pump/res combo department. Even so, I just put parts for a custom loop in the basket for CAD $340 with $28 shipping via CanPost Express. They have more complete kits for $369.99 too.
It's not cheaper, but it's a much better solution with quality Alphacool and Xylem parts, a real pump a proper copper radiator, and not a $75 Asetek kit with $200 of RGBLED guff and Corsair tax. In most regions you can easily (as proven by my links and other posters here) get a proper custom loop for less.
Not sure what I'd do in Canada, clearly your lack of custom loop resellers means you do end up spending more, but if money is tight why not get the Lian Li Galahad II? It's $70 cheaper, it's capable of higher peak performance than the H150i Link, and it's quieter AND cooler in all noise-normalised testing. If your region doesn't have good custom loop availability, at least don't get ripped off buying an off-the-shelf AIO!